Responsible Organization

Person: Sander Huisman

Conditions For Access And Use

Use of data from the Tereno project: These data are made freely available to the public and the scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights. Every effort is made to produce the most accurate and precise measurements possible. However the Tereno data owners reserve the right to make corrections to the data for reasons deemed scientifically justified. Neither the data owners nor the Tereno consortium as a whole can be made responsible for results and conclusions based on the use of these data without regard to this warning. The availability of these data does not constitute publication of the data. The Tereno consortium relies on the ethics and integrity of the users to assure that the data providers and Tereno as a whole receive fair credit for their work. If the data are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation the data owners and the Scientific Executive Board of Tereno should be informed early in this work. If the Tereno data are essential to the work or if an important result or conclusion depends on data from Tereno co-authorship of the data owners may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in the work. Manuscripts using data from the Tereno should be sent to the data owners and to the Tereno coordination team for review before they are submitted for publication so that it is insured that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately represented and that Tereno is properly referenced. Data downloaded cannot be distributed to others and cannot be make available in others websites databases DVD CDRom and any other storage system. Data sets should be cited by the versioning number and the referring paper(s) as below in this document. As you downloaded a data product you should also contact the database staff before using the data for publication because co-authorship of the responsible for the processing may also apply.


This project was in compliance with quality management guidelines (QM, ISO 9001). All chemical analyses were performed in a lab (Labor Dr. Janssen) that complies with the QM- guidelines. Field protocols and aditional details on the sampling approach can be obtained by request.


(6.33,50.5) (6.34,50.51)

Online Resource



This dataset provides detailed information on the three-dimensional variability of biogeochemical properties in Wustebach, a small headwater catchment in Germany. This catchment is situated within the National Park Eifel and is part of the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) project. The dataset includes pH, total P, plant available P , K, Mn, Fe, Na, C, N, S, Ca, NO3-N, SO4, Bulk density, gravimetric water content, particle size distributions and detailed soil descriptions.



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