Associated Projects
The aim of the SUSALPS project is to improve our knowledge on the effects of current and future climate and management on ecosystem functions performed by grasslands under given socio-economic conditions. Based on this improved knowledge, sustainable management options for grasslands in the alps and the foothills of the alps will be developed in close cooperation with stakeholders. SUSALPS is a BMBF funded BonaRes Project jointly conducted by KIT, TUM, HMGU, University Bayreuth and LfL.
ScaleX (
ScaleX is a series of collaborative, intensive research campaigns that assess spatially distributed patterns and gradients in land surface–atmosphere exchange processes within the TERENO Pre-Alpine Observatory and specifically surrounding the DE-Fen site.
Cosmic Sense (
Cosmic Sense is an interdsiciplinary and transregional research unit funded by DFG, which will investigate how and where soil moisture in small catchments changes due to precipitation, evapotranspiration and deep percolation, but also how other water pools such as vegetation and snow change.