Articles, reports and newsstories
Fewer ions, more dominant sodium and chlorite
Since 2020, Dr. Eliza Płaczkowska has been conducting research for her SOLUTION project at the TERENO site Wüstebach. The visiting scientist from Poland is working with Prof. Michael Leuchner at RWTH Aachen University. The project, funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), focuses on investigating the effects of forests and precipitation partitioning on denudation – various processes that erode Earth’s surface. In an interview, the hydrologist tells about the project’s objectives and some surprising findings she has come across.
EGU honors Harry Vereecken
Professor Harry Vereecken, director at the Institute of Agrosphere at Forschungs-zentrum Jülich, received the Alfred Wegener Medal, one of the highest honors awarded by the European Geosciences Union (EGU). At the same time, the organisation appointed him an honorary member. With the medal, the EGU recognizes Vereecken’s groundbreaking contributions to soil-plant-atmosphere processes with a focus on hydrological and biochemical cycles.
Wüstebach Measurement Campaign
In fall 2020, the “Cosmic Sense” research unit funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) is conducting a multi-week measurement campaign at TERENO’s Wüstebach site to measure soil moisture dynamics across the entire upper Wüstebach catchment area. Taking part in the campaign are the University of Potsdam (project lead), TU Berlin and Heidelberg University, as well as four TERENO members.
Find out more on the Newsletter (page12, .pdf-Download).
The Alento Hydrological Observatory
A unique hotspot in a Mediterranean ecosystem: The Alento River Catchment Hydrological Observatory. Find out how TERENO is involved on the EGU blogs ...
OZCAR -TERENO international conference 2025
Registration: 2025 05/05/2025 to 05/09/2025
Call for abstracts: open until 5 May 2025
Click here to consult the different sessions...
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