TERENO Scientific Steering Committee
The Scientific Steering Committee consists of representatives from the involved research centres. Its main task is to decide the basic configuration of the observatories, including the selection of the instruments, the networking with external partners, and the integration of the infrastructure in national and international programs as well as the strategic planning future activities in the framework of TERENO.
The members of the TERNEO Scientific Steering Committee are:
- Harry Vereecken (FZJ)
- Thomas Pütz (FZJ)
- Martin Schrön (UFZ)
- Peter Dietrich (UFZ)
- HaPe Schmid (KIT)
- Harald Kunstmann (KIT)
- Nadine Rühr (KIT)
- Theresa Blume (GFZ)
- Susanne Liebner (GFZ)
- Irena Hajnsek (DLR)
- Erik Borg (DLR)
The TERENO Coordination and Scientific Steering Committee at the Kick-off Meeting September 22, 2008 in Berlin:From left to right: Thomas Pütz (FZJ), Steffen Zacharias (UFZ), Hans Papen (FZK), Heye Bogena (FZJ), Peter Haschberger (DLR), Irena Hajnsek (DLR), Eckart Priesack (HMGU), Harry Vereecken (FZJ), Peter Dietrich (UFZ), Hans-Peter Schmid (FZK), Jean-Charles Munch (HMGU), Oliver Bens (GFZ)
New SSC members
From left to right: Assistant Professor Susanne Liebner, Dr. Nadine Rühr and Dr. Theresa Blume. Photos by Liebner, Blume and Markus Breig
The TERENO Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) welcomes three new members. After Dr. Theresa Blume and Assistant Professor Susanne Liebner from the Helmholtz Center Potsdam – German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) joined the committee earlier this year, they are now joined by a third new member: Dr. Nadine Rühr from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-IFU). SSC responsibilities include defining TERENO objectives and priorities, and making decisions on collaborative projects with other institutions.